Saturday, January 21, 2012

clothes galore


everything  probably about half of what i've decided to take
{disclaimer: i haven't tried fitting any of this in a suitcase yet; i'll let you know how that goes}

buster helping me.

the essentials:

{snowboarding gear; camping pack; golden retriever calendar; hiking boots + socks; fanny pack (they are all the rage in Chile, i'll leave it up to your imagination as to why i already own one); digital camcorder; luggage tag tribute to my BFF sarah palin. oh, and tampons}

something i'm packing that i probably shouldn't be:

 pterodactyl sweatshirt 

something i want to pack but have forced myself not to:
all 20 of my bikinis (although my Vegas-loving, hair-extensioned, stiletto-wearing hair dresser recommended i bring at least 15, since you can stuff them into shoes and stuff)

uggs? or do i leave them for buster?

more helpful, although completely unrelated words of wisdom from my hair stylist: 
stand with your back against the bar so that the bartender doesn't make you anything.
this way, men will have a full view of your sexy body and ask if you want something to drink
consequently you won't end up paying for anything.

*apologies for all the hair dresser references. i just got my hair cut yesterday and she cracks me up.

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