Monday, January 30, 2012


spontaneous first night out in Chile to Barrio Bella Vista - a neighborhood known as Santiago's bohemian quarter, with new hip restaurants and boutiques. tons of bars and discotecas.

we went to an irish pub. 

photobombed by a Chilean dude
nuevos amigos!
cucaracha shot: tequila and kahlua.


you drink these really fast with a straw. don't burn your face, my friend found that out the hard way.

got home at 5 am, woke up at 8:30 to take a spanish oral placement exam.

the exact notes I took about my night when I got home at 5 am:
“I thought I lived in a decent area en el barrio Ñuñoa pero luego vi las casas de otros y I realized I lived in a kind of ghetto area”
“couldn’t enter club porque Tomás estaba llevando sandales”
“cab driver no conoció dónde vivo”
“hard to write in English porque estaba hablando mucho espanol todo el dia”

my brain was extremely confused which language to use, it was a very difficult moment and something I have not experienced before.

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