Saturday, July 14, 2012

moving in circles

my living situation in santiago started out a little rough, and it never seemed to get any smoother. but i'm not complaining, because in my last month in south america (july), i successfully avoided paying any type of rent. i'm choosing to explain this in detail so i can remember how idiotic my decisions can be. it went a little something like this:

July 2nd: move out of apartment in Bellas Artes and move into my friend andrea's apartment near Baquedano/Plaza Italia (dre was in brazil for a week and generously allowed me to crash at her place)

July 4th: my other friend rachael moved into my old apartment in Bellas Artes

July 6th: didn't end up taking my flight to bolivia

July 11th: move out of dre's apartment because dre was moving out for good and MOVE BACK INTO MY OLD APARTMENT in Bellas Artes, but this time in rachael's room (who was leaving for Peru for 2 weeks and also generously letting me live in her room while she was gone). my new temporary room is way bigger and nicer than the room i previously lived in, except the internet sucks because it's farther away from the router.

so i basically could have saved a lot of packing/unpacking/moving my shit across the city and paid for the month of July to just keep living at my old place since that's where i ultimately ended up anyway. instead, i saved $200,000 pesos (~$400 USD).

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