Monday, July 9, 2012

a much needed update

so yes, i have completely sucked at blogging lately so i figured i would do a brief update on everything i've been up to the last few weeks of the semester and after i was freed of all academic obligations

it went a little something like this:

step 1: go to a drag show on whitney houston night at an awesome gay club and dance home in the pouring rain with no umbrellas


step 2: open my first bottle of wine EVER and go to my last miércoles po ever (goodbye gringa hunters!) - theme: SNOW PARTY

step 3: the goodbye parties begin, and we get a free round of drinks at this classy bar, where i not-so-classily brought in my coffee from dunkin' donuts

step 4: take way too many photo booth pictures with andrea

step 5: celebrate some more instead of studying

step 6: pass all my classes (booyah!), and write detailed explanations why i deserve higher grades in the hope that my EAP director will be a bit more generous

step 7: celebrate estadounidense-style at California Cantina for the 4th of July

step 8: change ALL my original travel plans. multiple times. because i am completely in denial that my chilean life is coming to an end.

okay, so this might need a little more explanation. i was supposed to leave july 6th to go to bolivia to see copacabana/lake titicaca/isla del sol, and then head to peru to do a 9 day amazon jungle adventure and hike the inca trail to machu picchu. but i just wasn't ready to leave Chile yet, so i nixed the first 2 parts of my trip (bolivia and the amazon) so i have more time to hang out in Santiago, which was honestly the best choice i could have made because i'm having the time of my life, why let it stop?

only downside to my indecisiveness is that i'm now homeless

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