Sunday, March 4, 2012

chepu adventures - kayak at dawn

after our day hike we all had dinner with the other travelers. my meal consisted of way too much pasta with a tiny amount of sauce, so it tasted like nothing. yumm.

all food that is not eaten is fed to the cats outside or composted. i sadly don't have a picture, but the cutest grey kitty at Chepu Adventures has the funniest name - "Compostina"

the next morning we set multiple alarms to wake up at 4:30 am so we could go kayaking to see the sunrise. the night before it sounded like a good idea to set 6 alarms, but when they keep going off while you are trying to get ready it is a bit hectic. but very hilarious.

after gearing up - life jackets, water proof pants, plastic bags over our feet to keep them dry, and special booties - we headed down to the water

we were out on the river by 5:30 am and it was pitch black. it was a very eery feeling being on the water surrounded by mist and not having any idea what was around you

when the sky started to lighten we could finally make out the dead logs from the sunken forest all around us. it was around this time when we could hear the first birds chirping and see the first bubbles in the water. we literally got to hear nature waking up for the day.

when the sky was a lot brighter we kayaked farther down the river and made it to the perfect spot just in time to see the sun's first appearance on the horizon!

this kayak experience was unlike anything i had ever done and was extremely worth waking up before the crack of dawn for.

i now have a funny story to share! when keelin and i were almost back to camp we spotted this very strange object moving around in the water. various speculations were made - river otter? amphibian? snake? log?

i was so intrigued that i even took a video of it

we returned to camp without a final consensus, but as soon as we saw Fernando (the owner of the eco-lodge) he asked us why we were kayaking in circles for ten minutes (haha!) we then told him about the mystery object and he laughed and said it was a bottle tied down to mark a shallow point in the river. 

so basically we were staring/freaking out about a floating bottle. in our defense, it was moving against the current which still doesn't make any sense.

we all returned to camp by 9 am and immediately began packing up because we had to get back to Ancud to catch another bus ...
'Roshel' in the other tent (who opted out of the morning kayak): "it's almost 10:00 you guys should probably start packing"
Me: "what do you think we've been doing in here this whole time!?"
Rach: "YEAH, you think we're just patty-cakin' it up in here??"

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