Monday, April 23, 2012

estoy enamorada de chile

this is my official announcement that i have extended my study abroad in santiago to another semester. i feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, despite the many important things in my life in california that i have given up in order to be able to stay in chile for another five months.

when going through the decision process it seemed like an extremely difficult decision, but looking back it wasn't the deciding to stay part that was the hardest for me. that part was so easy. i woke up, and i just knew. it was an inner feeling, a sort of revelation, where my head was clear, my mind was focused, and the alternative decision seemed so irrational. the part that worried me was how i was supposed to tell those few special people that i wouldn't be coming back to the states any time soon. but i am certain that if i leave in july, after only one semester, i will regret it for the rest of my life

the truth is, i have fallen in love with chile. with santiago, with the south, with the north, with the coast, with the slang, with the activism, and with my life. and i'm not ready to give that up any time soon.

¡viva chile mierda!

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