Friday, April 13, 2012

mendoza - rafting & repelling

for our last full day in mendoza, we went allll out with a trekking, rafting, and repelling excursion.

during the hike, one of my friends mightt have puked due to being hung over. sorry weonnaa*, this was too funny for me to leave out.

hiking in the Andes!
had to find a place to put my water since i needed all 4 limbs to get down the mountain
got all my gear on for repelling!

that's me!

i survived!


"and we never had to sign anything"




and me passed out on the bus on the way back.

after changing into more appropriate attire (but seriously), we went out to a fancy dinner

if you can't tell, that ^ is mcdonalds. embarrassingly, i think i've eaten more mcdonalds in south america (mcflurrys, specificially) than i have eaten in the united states in the past 5 years.

then we found the street fair at Plaza Independencia

i could take pictures of all the things i bought but i'm too lazy, so instead i'll do my best to describe them: 2 woven bracelets with big stones, a mini brown purse, a ring with a stone from chile - lapis lazuli (that the guy had to readjust at least 7 times to make it fit on my pinky finger. and today the ring already semi-broke, which is quite unfortunate -_- ), and a few presentsss for people back in california :)

most importantly, we met edward scissor hands.

*weon/weona = chilean slang, sort of the equivalent of "dude/dudette". comes from the word "huevón" and can be used in a positive or negative context. and also as a verb. so it's pretty much a way to say everything and anything.

por ejemplo,
1. ¿Oye weon, cómo estái? = "listen man, how's it going?"
2. No, weon, estoy weando = "Naw, man, I'm just messing/f***ing around"
3. Que es esa wea? = "What the f*** is that?"

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