El 24 de mayo de 2012 09:20 am, Meredith escribió:
Hola Rodrigo! [*named changed to save him from being humiliated by a 20 year old exchange student*] Usted estará en la oficina este viernes o lunes, y a qué hora? Me gustaría venir para seguir investigando información de fuentes de contaminación del humedal.
["Hi Rodrigo! Will you be in the office this friday or monday, and what time? I would like to come to the office to continue my research on sources of contamination of the wetland."]
El 24 de mayo de 2012 10:52 pm, my supervisor replies:
El lunes. ["Monday"]
**okay, thanks. but you still haven't told me WHAT TIME to show up.**
El 27 de mayo de 2012 2:48 pm, Meredith escribió:
A que hora debo venir mañana?
["What time should I show up tomorrow?"]
El 28 de mayo de 2012 10:29 am, 1 hour and 30 minutes before he is LEAVING FROM THE OFFICE. it takes me 1 hour to get there, and i also can't be expected to just be ready to leave my house at the ring of a bell to go all the way to the other side of the city for only a 30 minute time period before i would have to leave anyway, my supervisor replies:
Estaré hasta las 12:00 hrs. Si no puedes, ven el viernes. Slds, rodrigo
["I'll be there until noon. If you can't make it, come on friday."]
i have a 15 page report due for my internship in one month.
it's for 6 units of credit for my major.
Tranquila Meredith. Algo en que pueda ayudarte?
ReplyDeletejaja gracias! pero creo que no hay nada para hacer :( sólo necesito empezar a escribir el informe pronto, aunque no tengo bastante información de que puedo escribir. ójala que pueda recibir una buena nota aún