Monday, June 25, 2012


there was no way i was going to live in south america for 6 months without making it to a professional partido de fútbol (soccer game). but i did end up cutting it pretty close! instead of studying for my final yesterday, i went to a match between Universidad de Chile (the team actually has zero affiliation with the university, kind of misleading), and Colo-Colo (known for being the most flaite - SKETCH!). this game is also known for being muy peligroso (dangerous)

the Colo-Colo section. very segregated from any of the U de Chile fans
to prevent any hospital visits and/or death. this is not an exaggeration.

la U! 

Estadio Nacional - the home stadium for U de Chile and also the national team ("la selección")

one of the weirdest things to me was how you couldn't buy WATER anywhere in the stadium. only soda. this has been a reoccurring theme in Chile, water doesn't seem to be a very popular choice of beverage which i am not accustomed to because it's all i drink in California!

the crowd was CRAZY!!! the entire time. and also using tons of profanity. here is a video of everyone yelling "conchatumare" aka "motherfucker" every time a Colo-Colo player was announced before the game started


please tell me this is legal in the united states.

final score! la U - 4, ColoColo- 0
"chi! chi! chi! le! le le! universidad de chile!"

rafa sad because she's a Colo-Colo fan.
and dre pretending to be happy, because she's also a Colo-Colo fan

the crew! me, dre, rafa, jules, nat :)

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