Monday, June 18, 2012

sewell y coya

last month i visited the mining towns of Sewell and Coya with EAP. since Chile is the main producer of copper in the WORLD, it made sense why this was a mandatory field trip. Coya wasn't very exciting so i didn't take any pictures, but Sewell was pretty interesting. we took a tour given by a man who grew up in the old mining town and he explained that everyone now lives in the larger city of Rancagua and commutes to the mountains for work. the town was so unbelievably small i could not imagine what it would be like to ever live there.

some stats:
the 10 principal copper-producing countries (from mines)

the 10 principal countries that produce refined copper

principal countries that consume copper exported from chile

super old chilean flag

 mining attire
minero época 1905-1930 
minero 1930 - 1970

minero contemporáneo

my friend trying on the mask that you weren't supposed to touch 
huge copper locks!

me and nat

miki :)

going to miss living in santiago with these girls

had to sneak a picture of my program director - repping UCSB gauchos!


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