Wednesday, February 8, 2012


i learned a lot about eggs today.

but first, i discovered that i have no idea how to light a gas stove. i didn't have a problem turning on the gas, but i couldn't manage to get the stove lit without burning myself. thus, i had to resort to other measures to cook my dinner.

step 1: put eggs in a bowl and scramble
step 2: put in microwave for 1-2 minutes
step 3: enjoy

this seems easy. but alas, i took one of the [hard boiled] eggs out of the refrigerator and tried to crack it. and then proceeded to have to peel off the destroyed shell piece by piece until i could taste my first hard boiled egg ever

the final product:

i probably should have learned to cook real food before coming to Chile


  1. Answering your question on Puerto Río Tranquilo, since I couldn't find your email, no, we just rolled in and looked for a place. About the tour, we just asked around.

    Looks like you're having a good time in Santiago. Was that a pic of the Bar California I saw in another post?

    Feel free to hit me up via email or FB.

    Greetings from NM,


  2. hey thanks for getting back to me! i'm now not as concerned about arriving to puerto tranquilo without a structured plan. i leave for my 2 week adventure in just 5 days!

    the bar was "California Cantina" in Providencia, Santiago. i've only been there twice but will probably be returning soon when my next burrito craving comes around.

