8:00 pm
i tell my friend keelin i'm coming over to talk to her host mom, veronica, about my living situation.
veronica is one of the UC Education Abroad Program (EAP) directors, and she is in charge of all the host families.
10:00 pm
i arrive at veronica's apartment and find out that keelin had mentioned to her that i wasn't happy with my host mom and that veronica had already gone and visited two new host families for me before i had even told her all the problems i'd been having (she's seriously AMAZING).
i also inform veronica of the host stranger and discover that he was not supposed to be living there. my host mom had told EAP that her son (who is around my age) lived at home.
wednesday, february 1
9:30 am
wake up (3.5 hours of sleep), frantically pack up all my stuff hoping that host mom is not home.
11:00 am
get a call from veronica telling me a taxi will pick me up in 30 minutes and that she just called my host mom to break the news
11:15 am
phone rings. the housekeeper (who only is at the house on wednesdays) tells me it's for me...
host mom is hella pissed.
i just said "im sorry but i do not feel comfortable living here. i really don't know what else to say. chao"
11:30 am
taxi! i then meet up with veronica who takes me to my new home.
12:00 pm
i arrive at my new host family. BEST. DECISION. EVER.
And meredith was very happy... until she found out her new host mom is a SERIAL KILLER who steals the kidneys of her foreign students! Dun dun dunnnn
ReplyDeletelovin' all your comments saincome lol