Monday, February 6, 2012


i was super estadounidense on sunday. i watched the superbowl at none other than the California Cantina

this place was PACKED. every single table was reserved, but my friend rachael and i got super lucky and befriended this chilean dude named ignacio who works at an english-teaching institute. he let us share his table with him! he said he was waiting for his boss ladyfriend, who never showed up because she's a "really hard worker" and works super late on sunday nights?? 

we couldn't determine if he was into her or not, but we let him share our fries and nachos.
"Tijuana Fries"
"NorCal Nachos"

there were a few crazy people outside

wrist stamp to get in

Rachael and Ignacio
at least twice as many people were packed into the bar area about 10 min after i took this picture
 we randomly found two of our friends from our program
me, ed, rachael, ignacio, brendan
during the second half of the game, a huge news camera with a bright light came into the bar and i happened to be right in front of it, so i was probably on Chilean TV

only downside to watching the superbowl in a different country is that non of the commercials were from the states, but it would have been too loud to hear them anyway. just gotta look them up on youtube. i did, however, get to see the exact same snowboarding commercial every single time there was a break.

super fun night. and since i've been excessively using the word "super", i have a short story to tell

last week on thursday night my friend andrea and i were walking through Bella Vista and some dude yelled out at us "¡SUPER FEAS!" ("super ugly")

dre and i

i think he had a valid point.


  1. I'm sure they said super bellas
    you probably misheard
    or they just mis-saw
    yup just made up a word

  2. lol <3 they definitely said "fea". que ridiculo.
